A little ditty about the Spring Wind.

The sun casts mercurial shadows
across the yard:
green yellow grass
dirt path
silvered timber porch

like black ink blots
the shadows slowly roll

the gray weatherboard
at the back of the house
still cold with morning
despite the bright glare of the sun

I remember summer
halcyon memories
childhood romances
with the senses

the blue sky
long crisp grass of summer
cool rivers filled with swimming
bush clad adventures
hot sweat tiredness
contented hunger
the death of youth

I remember summer

halcyon memories
shed with each chilled gust
of spring wind
now rising coldly
against the past.

Exciting News: William Cook’s Horrorpreneur Newsletter on Substack is launched!

Dear Readers, First, let me say how truly grateful I am for your ongoing support as subscribers to my personal website here at www.williamco...