FREE PROMO - 3 days only, get your copy of CREEP.

As a thank you to my readers and an invitation to new readers I have one of my more popular stories available for free for the next three days. As you're probably aware, a large part of being an 'indie' author is spent with marketing and self promotion. This is one of those times and the following details will hopefully provide you, my astute readers, with the tools you need to get your FREE copy of Creep.

Free Kindle Ebook (28/08-31/08):

CREEP, is the first story in an exciting and gritty new psychological thriller/horror series. Cassandra: Hunter of Darkness, is a hero to the victim and a merciless angel of death to the evil ones. A killer of killers, she strikes fear into the hearts of those who get their kicks off hurting others. Join Cassandra on her quest for justice and revenge as she begins her journey into the dark underbelly of serial murder and takes care of business as only she knows how.

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"5.0 out of 5 stars A CREEPY THRILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By dean s
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase

"Where do i begin?
What a fantastic exciting action packed thriller from the start of the book. This is the story of cassandra a girl who is off back to university after having a holiday with her parents. She calls a taxi and gets into it and what she gets into is a big mistake and a pathway to a terrible time with the creep.
This story gripped me from the start and kept me wanting to turn the pages with excitement and the unknowing. I also had to read this in one sitting as it captures you in with the characters on every page wondering what is going to happen next.
The only bad thing to say is that it wasnt long enough because i could have read more and want more,so hopefully the sequel wont be too far off. 5 stars and well deserved."

#freehorror #kindlehorror #thriller #FREE #FREEKINDLE

Favorite Books List

Here is a list of my favorite literary works. The list is not complete and is totally subjective in that the books listed are my personal favorites - the books that I go back to for whatever reason and read again and again. This is NOT a list of books I think have the most literary merit, this IS a list of books I have enjoyed reading the most for whatever reason. My friend and peer, Vincenzo Bilof has done a similar list you may find of interest here, in response to a challenge I made to him. This, of course, being my response to said challenge. 
My Favorite Books (to date) - Recommended Reading

Fiction (Novels)

Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Big Sur – Jack Kerouac
Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
Infinite jest – David Foster Wallace
The Killer – Colin Wilson
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
Winesburg, Ohio – Sherwood Anderson
The Stranger – Albert Camus
Redemption Falls – Joseph O’Connor
Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Doystevsky
As I Lay Dying – William Faulkner
Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts
Bliss – Peter Carey
Killer on the Road – James Ellroy
Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon – Thomas Harris
David Morrell – First Blood
Surfacing – Margaret Atwood
The Walking Drum – Louis L’amour
Tortilla Flat – John Steinbeck
Wise Blood – Flannery O’Connor
A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
The Shipping News – Annie Proulx
In My Father’s Den – Maurice Gee
In the Name of the Rose – Umberto Eco
The Novel – James Michener
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag – Robert A Heinlein
The Girls He Adored – Jonathan Nasaw
Ham on Rye – Charles Bukowski
Zombie – Joyce Carol Oates
Dandelion Wine, The October Country – Ray Bradbury
The End of the Night – John D Macdonald
The Journal of Albion Moonlight – Kenneth Patchen

Fiction (Horror)

Abarat, The Hellbound Heart –Clive Barker
The Backwoods – Edward Lee
The Face That Must Die – Ramsey Campbell
Exquisite Corpse – Poppy Z Brite
This Symbiotic Fascination – Charlee Jacob
Mystery Walk, Baal – Robert McCammon
The Shining, IT, The Dead Zone, The Stand – Stephen King
Ghost Story – Peter Straub
Psycho, American Gothic – Robert Bloch
Rats, Lair, Domain, The Fog – James Herbert
Slob – Rex Miller
Spawn – Shaun Hutson
Telekiller – John Warwick
The Lost – Jack Ketchum
Children of the Night, Carrion Comfort – Dan Simmons
Flesh and Blood, Family Portrait – Graham Masterton
Futile Efforts – Thomas Piccirilli
The Amityville Horror – Jay Anson
The Exorcist – William Peter Blatty

Short Story Collections

By Bizarre Hands – Joe R. Lansdale
The Complete Stories – Flannery O’Connor
Blue World – Robert McCammon
Tales of Mystery and Imagination – Edgar Allan Poe
Night Shift – Stephen King
Books of Blood 1-3 – Clive Barker
A Peaceable Kingdom – Jack Ketchum
The Most Beautiful Woman in Town, Tales of Ordinary Madness – Charles Bukowski
Collected Stories, The Fat Man in History – Peter Carey
The Nightmare Chronicles – Douglas Clegg
Ray Bradbury Stories (Vol 1 and 2) – Ray Bradbury
Red Dreams – Dennis Etchison
Run With the Hunted: A Charles Bukowski Reader – Charles Bukowski
20th Century Ghosts – Joe Hill
The Collection – Bentley Little


Dark Forces – Ed. Kirby McCauley
Cutting Edge – Ed. Dennis Etchison
Prime Evil – Ed. Douglas E Winter
Psycho-paths – Ed. Robert Bloch
Psychos – Ed. John Skipp
999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense – Ed. Al Sarrantonio
Faces of Fear Ed. Douglas E Winter


The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell – William Blake
Selected Poems – Carl Sandburg
Complete Works, Prufrock & Other Observations, Four Quartets – T.S. Eliot
The Cantos – Ezra Pound
Greed – Ai
The Monkey’s Mask – Dorothy Porter
Love is a Dog from Hell, Mockingbird Wish me Luck – Charles Bukowski
The Divine Comedy (Hell & Purgatory) – Dante Aligheri
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
Ring of Bone – Lew Welch
The Theatre and its Double – Antonin Artaud
A Season in Hell – Arthur Rimbaud
The Flowers of  Evil – Charles Baudelaire
Cap and Bells – Francis Webb
Complete Poems – Kenneth Patchen


Aristotle – Ars Poetica, *Metaphysica, The Nicomachean Ethics
Marcus Aurelius – Meditations (trans. Graves)
Jean Baudrillard – Simulacra and Simulation
Walter Benjamin – Illuminations: Essays and Reflections
William Blake – The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Edmund Burke – A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
Albert Camus – *The Myth of Sisyphus, The Rebel
Thomas Carlyle – Sartor Resartus
Khalil Gibran – The Madman, *Thoughts & Meditations, The Prophet
Immanuel Kant – Critique of Pure Reason, *Critique of Judgment  
Jiddu Krishnamurti – Beyond Violence, The Awakening of Intelligence, *Freedom from the Known
Bruce Lee – Tao of Jeet Kune Do
Frederich Nietzsche – *Beyond Good and Evil, The Antichrist, The Gay Science, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Human, All Too Human
PD Ouspensky – The Fourth Dimension (from A New Model of the Universe), Tertium Organum, *The Fourth Way
Bertrand Russell – *The Problems of Philosophy, The Analysis of Mind
Arthur Schopenhauer – The World as Will & Representation, *On the Suffering of the World
Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching
Alan Watts – *The Wisdom of Insecurity, The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Colin Wilson – *The Outsider, Beyond the Outsider
Ludwig Wittgenstein – *Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations

And there you have it - my list, not by any means complete or chronological, just what it is. This will evolve.

The moon speaks to me of you (a love poem)

Apologies for the lack of recent posts. I have been writing and have also been quite active on lately. For those of you who are o...