Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts


A big shout-out to my readers and viewers of this website (hopefully you are one and the same *wink*), wishing you all the best for 2015 and beyond. This year is going to be a big one for me - for the first time in my short writing career, I have put together a publishing schedule. I know - Shock! Horror! 

2015 publishing schedule is as follows:

March - 3 x eBooks, 1 x print + eBook
June - 3 x eBooks, 1 x print + eBook
September - 3 x eBooks, 1 x print + eBook
December - 3 x eBooks, 1 x print + eBook

I've looked at my progress as an author and feel that this schedule is completely achievable (knock on wood) unless I happen to lose a limb et cetera. At least two of the print titles will be full novel-length works, one of which will be the sequel to my first horror/thriller novel 'Blood Related.' There will be a fresh collection of short fiction (horror-based, similar to 'Dreams of Thanatos'), a collection of non-fiction essays (related to art & literature), a collection of short 'literary fiction' and a new series of short horror fiction, plus some short thriller fiction also. So, lots to do, lots to write - very excited, I think this year will hopefully see my back-catalog grow and (hopefully) my readership, as a direct result.

As you may have noticed, the website has a new more minimalist look and feel. I hope you like it and that it makes your visits easier on the eye. As always, any suggestions you may have regarding the look of this website and the content are always welcome (use comments link beneath posts). 

I have a relatively new title that is available #FREE for all new subscribers - so, if this is your first time visiting, please take a second to subscribe now so you can grab a free copy of 'One Way Ticket' and stay tuned for exclusive news and info regarding new releases and posts and subscriber give-aways in the near future.

Fast Train To Hell . . .
From the belly of the swamp issues forth a visit in the middle of the night from a force as dark and unimaginable as hell itself. Poor pig-farmer Abel Laroux, must battle the demons of his past as well as the nightmarish reality of the present, as he confronts a devilish visitor who has come to collect on an outstanding debt, inherited by Abel from his forefathers.

Bonus Features: Includes an excerpt from the author's novel, 'Blood Related' + the long poem 'The Temper of The Tide', in its entirety.

Warning: contains adult content + themes of supernatural & psychological horror.

'One Way Ticket' is a gothic supernatural horror story set in the bayous of Louisiana/New Orleans. It was originally published in the anthology 'Terror Train' by James Ward Kirk Fiction (see link at foot of this page for link) and is also available as an audio podcast. (If you want to skip the preamble and go straight to the story it begins at 5:40.)

One of my New Year resolutions is to post a lot more content here so please make sure you're subscribed to stay in touch. I'd love to hear from any readers out there too - especially in regards to any future works you might like to see from me or just to say 'hi.' Anyway, all the best for 2015 to you - may it be a year filled with prosperity, laughter and good health. Thanks for reading.


Exciting News: William Cook’s Horrorpreneur Newsletter on Substack is launched!

Dear Readers, First, let me say how truly grateful I am for your ongoing support as subscribers to my personal website here at www.williamco...