Showing posts with label horror film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror film. Show all posts

Top 20 Scary Horror Movies

William Cook’s Top Twenty Scary Horror Movies


These are my Top Twenty scary horror movies. These films all have the ability to give the audience a frightful experience by inducing a sense of fear and horror. ‘Jump scares’, psychological triggers, and scenes of terror are all used to great effect in these films.


Some of my choices may be slightly controversial but please remember, this is my list – these are the films that resonated with me and caused me to feel scared on some level. Believe me when I say that it takes a lot to scare me, and these films did just that. 


Please let me know in the comments what your favorite ‘scary films are.


Note: this list is no particular order.


1.       Silent Hill (2006)


Silent Hill is one of those Horror movies people seem to either love or hate. I love it – there are some really dark psychological triggers in this film that played on my subconscious to the point where I had bad dreams. Believe me when I say it takes a lot to scare me, let alone give me bad dreams. If you haven’t seen this movie, you’re in for a treat. Also, worth another viewing if you saw it ages ago.


2.       Hellraiser (1987)


This film is the stuff nightmares are made of. As an avid reader of Barker’s early horror stories this film did not disappoint and caused a few ‘WTF?’ moments.


3.       Maniac (1980)


William Lustig’s ultra-creepy horror is horrific and disturbing in ways that make watching the film seem like you’re in the nightmares of a psychotic. And you are – Joe Spinell’s acting is brilliant as the deranged killer.


4.       Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981)


Have gone for both of these films in the franchise as they never fail to frighten. Watch these on your own at Halloween and I guarantee you’ll be checking the locks on the windows and the doors before bed!


5.       The Evil Dead (1981)


When this was released I remember being the first in our town to rent it from the Video store. This was unlike any other horror I’d ever seen at the time and holds a special place in my nightmares. If you haven’t seen this version (i.e. the original), you need to watch it ASAP.


6.       The Abandoned (2006)


This under-rated film is incredibly creepy and is filled with atmospheric scenes that will leave you with your heart in your throat. Highly recommended.  


7.       Sinister (2012)


This film is disturbing in all the right ways – creepy, intense, and down-right scary in places. The frights will linger after the credits finish.


8.       The Babadook (2014)


A psychological horror that is unique in its ability to tap into subconscious human fears and leave the audience reeling from the experience. Brilliant but draining in its heaviness.


9.       The Shining (1980)


Stephen King hated this version of his book, but I loved it. Kubrick’s ability to insidiously effect the audience’s perspective is played out with a ratcheted string of nightmarish scenes and some brilliant acting from the cast.


10.       The Grudge (2004)


This one crept up on me and got me good. My introduction to Japanese horror led me down some very dark paths.


11.       The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)


When I first saw this film, it blew my little mind to the point where I felt nauseous. It wasn’t the gore that made me feel like that, it was the fear that was induced as a result of the terrifying world I found myself in. A very scary film about that most terrifying of all creatures – humans!


12.       Pet Sematary (1989)


This movie is a slow-burn but once it gets going, it hooks deep into your subconscious fears and doesn’t let up until the finish. Every time I watch it my Achilles tendon aches!


13.       The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)


A suffocating horror film about Voodoo that is incredibly tense and frightening. One of my all-time favorite horror movies.


14.      Hereditary (2018)


A foreboding and well-crafted film that follows a grieving family tormented by a demonic entity after the death of their secretive grandmother. This movie is like a fever-dream that becomes more horrifying with each viewing. If you haven't seen this and love psychological horror that'll twist your mind and should inside-out, watch it! 

15.       28 Days later (2002)


This movie is a disturbing vision of the apocalypse and more relevant now than ever before. The cinematography and soundtrack crank up the scares, as this high-paced horror delivers an unrelenting exercise in sheer terror.


16.       The Ritual (2017)


A slow burn with the creep factor. This movie uses standard horror tropes in a way that give the audience more than enough scary moments to savour.


17.       Pandorum (2009)


I chose this movie instead of Alien because I felt it surpassed it with tension and scary scenes. This choice will no doubt be controversial but as far as Sci-Fi-Horror goes, I feel it outperforms Alien. Highly under-rated and well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.


18.       The Amityville Horror (1979)


This is a classic. In my opinion, it is still is a good film for its age and will definitely play on your mind and fears.


19.       The Omen (1976)


One of my favorite horror films. This film operates on many different levels but is essentially a very scary movie for its age. The cemetery (at night) scene is brilliant. Highly recommended.  


20.       The Ring (2002)


A fantastic film that will give you the chills. Great acting and some very creepy scenes that are capable of inducing nightmares.


So - agree or disagree? What are your top scary movie picks of all time? Please add in comments below and thanks for reading.


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